Meet The Team
Curious Gap Creators and Curators
About Us
Curious Gap was created to help individuals bridge the divide between where they are and where they want to be. This begins by asking the right questions—understanding their current state and desired outcomes through physical, physiological, behavioral, and emotional assessments. One must first know how they stand before they can improve how they move. Part of this knowledge involves understanding how the body works and especially related to pain. The gap between knowledge and action is where change can happen. Curious Gap exists to help close this gap. The power lies in turning the pursuit of this understanding into a lifelong practice.

Clayton Skaggs
Dr. Clayton Skaggs is the founder and CEO of the Central Institute for Human Performance and the founder of the Karel Lewit Clinic and Curious Gap Labs. In addition to his clinical career, Skaggs has been on post-doctoral and research faculties of eight national and international universities including leading a National Institute of Health (NIH) randomized trial that resulted in a publication of one of the largest studies of low back pain in pregnant women. He has worked with thousands of elite athletes, military professionals, and executives and consults individuals from around the world for unresolved pain or injury. Dr. Skaggs is also the author of The Power of Doing What Matters, a book dedicated to helping people build mind-body resilience for life.

Tim Sirmon
Tim has been a practitioner at the Central Institute for Human Performance for more than 10 years. During that time he has been an integral player with professional athlete and elite military program coordination and execution. He has also been a key leader in development of several of the measurement methods, including CIHP’s nutrition survey tool. Tim’s belief in the transformative power of the lessons being taught at CIHP drove him to help develop Curious Gap to help more people heal, find self-efficacy, improve performance, and build resilience for a lifetime.

Where Research Meets Practice
Curious Gap Labs was created to help individuals bridge the divide between where they are and where they want to be in terms of pain, health, and performance. This begins by asking the right questions—understanding their current state and desired outcomes through physical, physiological, behavioral, and emotional assessments. One must first know how they stand before they can improve how they move. We also explore what individuals know and what they do, as understanding pain is essential to transforming the experience of it. The gap between knowledge and action is where change happens, and Curious Gap exists to help close this gap. The real power lies in turning the pursuit of this understanding into a lifelong practice, allowing individuals to continuously evolve and improve.

Empowering Human Performance
The Central Institute for Human Performance is a multidisciplinary private training facility that blends cutting-edge clinical assessments and treatment with rehabilitation and performance training to help individuals achieve their health and performance goals. Whether healing chronic pain or winning a world-series championship, the CIHP team can help. CIHP provides in-person and virtual memberships as well as multiple-day visiting consultation programs to help people achieve results like never before.

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